Bi and Bougie BurlesqueCrew Socks
$14.99Available colors
Face Masks
George "Remind You of My Love" Cloth Face Mask
$12.99Available colors
Awesome, Wow, Hamilesque Cloth Face Mask
$12.99Available colors
My Fetish is Fighting FascismCloth Face Mask
$14.99Available colors
Bi & Bougie Burlesque MaskCloth Face Mask
$12.50Available colors
Not vintage valuesTote Bag
$19.99Not vintage valuesOrganic Tote Bag
$24.99My Fetish is Fighting FascismTote Bag
$19.99Bi and Bougie BurlesqueTote Bag
HamilesqueDie Cut Sticker
$7.99Not vintage valuesDie Cut Sticker
$7.99My Fetish is Fighting FascismDie Cut Sticker
$7.99Bi and Bougie BurlesqueDie Cut Sticker
$5.99Phone Cases
Not vintage valuesiPhone Case
$19.99Available colors
Not vintage valuesSamsung Case
$19.99Available colors
Bi and Bougie BurlesqueiPhone Case
$19.99Available colors
Bi and Bougie BurlesqueSamsung Case